September 7, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Apple TV + | The Weiwerk saga turned into a short story with Jared Leto

Apple TV + |  The Weiwerk saga turned into a short story with Jared Leto


France Media Agency

WeCrashed: The Rise and Fall of Weaver, The pun between “WeWork” (we work) and “WeCrashed” (we are confused) “follows the rise of WeWork marked by greed and its inevitable collapse”, Apple TV + said in a statement on Friday.

Created in 2010, WeWork is built on the shared office model, combining flexibility and user-friendliness.

Get started With a dynamic and innovative image, WeWork quickly won over investors, reaching a theoretical value of $ 47 billion in January 2019.

The team is preparing for its entry on the New York Stock Exchange with great fans. But in a few weeks, WeWork is going to experience a series of catastrophes, which will have to cancel its introduction by the end of September 2019.

Wall Street was concerned about its administration, doubting its economic model and its profitability.

At the forefront, managing director and co-founder, Adam Newman, is an outstanding marketing and sales genius, but an extra and completely unimaginable follower of all kinds.

To save WeWork from bankruptcy, Japanese Softbank, a major shareholder, had to inject billions of dollars and push Adam Newman towards exit.

Jared Leto, who is accustomed to Oscar-winning and colorful roles, will co-star with Oscar-winning actress Anne Hathaway. She is the wife of Adam Newman, Rebecca, co – founder of WeWork, with a crazy personality as her husband, and had to leave the group in 2019 as well.

Apple TV + is particularly interested in “the chaotic love of narcissists who made all this possible.”

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