July 8, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Why being 100% on telework is not good for your health

Why being 100% on telework is not good for your health


  • In France, psychosocial risks define the category of mental, physical and social health risks caused by employment conditions.
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are a variety of disorders of the musculoskeletal system that can be caused or exacerbated by occupational activity.

One of the two directors of human resources (HRD) found that the teleworking imposed during detention was detrimental to the health of the employees. It comes out of the maintained employee health prevention barometer IPhop 605 HR decision makers (including 64 HRDs) working in a company with over 205 employees for the Health Back Office.

Mental accidents and muscle disorders

45% of HRDs feel the negative impact of teleworking on employee health. Also, those who have observed an increase in psychosocial risk (PSR) and Muscle problems (MSDs) are high enough to emphasize the negative impact of teleworking on employee health (67% of companies with an increase in MSDs, 54% reported an increase in RPS).

“Fears around Kovid and concerns about the stability of their jobs impair the mental health of employees. Lack of adequate equipment at home (outdoor posture, armchair, keyboard) as well as a more sedentary lifestyle have led to an increase in muscle-joint pain, especially back pain”. Comments Nicholas Destong, Chiropractor and Associate Director of Back Office Sante.

The administration sector was largely affected

A more pronounced increase in psychosocial risks can be observed in companies with 250 to 499 employees (65%) and in the administrative sector (58%).

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