September 19, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

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Trump returns to the stands, flirting with his return to the White House

Trump returns to the stands, flirting with his return to the White House

Banned from social networks, but still influential among Republicans, Donald Trump found the audience conquered in the months leading up to his first speech on Saturday evening, flirting more than ever with his new candidacy for the 2024 presidential election.

Also read: The Biden government wants to restore the protection of endangered species that Trump removed

Also read: Facebook has suspended Donald Trump for two years

The former president regained his passion for one-upship to announce this speech at a Republican convention in North Carolina, a state that voted for him twice in 2016 and 2020:

“Places seem to be full, all records are broken! “, He wrote in a statement on Friday.

The event, to be held in Greenville, southeastern United States, sold 1,250 tickets, according to organizers. Fewer than the thousands who turned out for his famous campaign rallies, but expectations for his first major public speech since February were high.

If he does not officially announce it, the 74-year-old billionaire will publicly consider the idea of ​​a new candidacy in November 2024. And all his statements will be examined.

Still very popular among Republican voters, he is missing out on social networks, but he is far from being quiet.

Pretending to be a producer of kings, Donald Trump distributes his electoral support to his party’s candidates through daily press releases … and his harsh criticism of his enemies.

Despite his supporters violently attacking Capitol Hill on January 6, some Republicans dared to split with him, despite allegations that he had rigged a massive election during the November 2020 presidential election.

Because many see it as a valuable asset for the November 2022 “interim” parliamentary election campaign, Republicans hope to regain control of Congress at this time. Unprecedented impact for an American president who lost after a single word.

The Tribune is also expected to resume major election rallies in the coming months.

Next time ”

For many Republicans, the “interim” campaign message should focus on criticism of the policies pursued by his Democratic successor, Joe Biden.

But Donald Trump does not appear to be ready to let go of his ideology, yet the courts have repeatedly ruled that the 2020 election was stolen from him. And he will undoubtedly return to this subject on Saturday evening.

He also planned to criticize New York Times, White House Medical Adviser Anthony Fauzi and Biden Administration.

Nearly five months after leaving his presidency at his Bedminster Golf Club near New York, the billionaire has yet to explicitly acknowledge his defeat.

And see you back in the Oval Office.

Provocative, he released on Friday, saying that “next time” he would be at the White House, that he did not invite Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg to dinner, and that he was suspended for two years on the social network.

The forum announced that “the former president can return to Facebook” when the risks to public safety have disappeared, and today temporarily excluded him on January 7 for encouraging his supporters during the violent attack on the Capitol.

Unprecedented decision. The Republican condemned the “insult” of more than 74 million of its voters in November 2020, and even banned it from Twitter.

Joe Biden has so far garnered over 81 million votes.

The Senate acquitted Donald Trump in February after a second impeachment hearing because he did not have enough votes in the Republican Party, accusing the House of Representatives of “inciting a coup” in the assassination attempt on Capitol Hill.

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