September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Detention at hotel: “We’ll probably be able to release the lockers in September”

Detention at hotel: "We'll probably be able to release the lockers in September"

Although some have already received their two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, they will need to wait until September before easing the health rules imposed on returning travelers.

Also read: Live | Recent developments on coronavirus

“In fact, when you have two doses, you are well protected […], The problem is that it is difficult to make exceptions, ”said Dr. Cecil Tremble, a microbiologist and infectious disease specialist, in an interview with LCN at CHUM.

She thinks it is easier for the government to impose uniform measures on everyone than to make different rules for different groups of people.

Such a distinction requires the use of vaccine proof, which many Cubans are still resistant to.

“It’s very difficult if we start giving exceptions,” Dr. Trembley said.

Although vaccines appear to be effective against variants, experts do not know whether they are effective against new species that appear.

“Where community transmission is severe, for example in India or Japan, where they are experiencing another wave and in other countries of the world, we know that this is conducive to the emergence of new variants. Are we going to protect ourselves from these variants? It’s a little hard to say,” the microbiologist explained.

According to Dr. Cecil Tremble, easing travel rules certainly goes through the vaccination rate of the population.

“To return to the country, in late August or September, if 80% of the population had two doses, we would be able to release it,” she believes.

Listen to Dr. Cecil Tremble’s full interview in the video above.

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