September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Internet users fall victim to fishing attempts in the name of Victoriaville

Internet users fall victim to fishing attempts in the name of Victoriaville

Internet users have been the victims of phishing attempts by hackers who have used the legal email addresses of municipal employees and partners in Victoriaville.

In particular, malicious individuals use emails from Arts and Culture Coordinator Daniel Cortius for the City of Victoriaville; Kate Line Grondin, Director of Communications and Marketing; And Gailine Trotier, Director General of the Saint-Norbert-D’Artabasca Municipality, to ask their recipients to verify the invoice or contact the payment. False documents have been added to emails.

The purpose of these mailing is to deceive users into exposing sensitive information or downloading malware.

Since fraudulent emails are sent from official addresses, it is very difficult to block them. That is why a special agency was ordered to intervene.

“City teams have been mobilized and are taking all necessary measures to prevent the attack from spreading as little as possible,” we read in a press release issued by the municipality.

On Wednesday evening, it was impossible to know the number of victims affected by these fishing attempts. However, this is a question of isolated events.

The City of Victoriaville warns targeted citizens not to disclose their passwords and to open documents attached to fraudulent emails. They should be removed from the software used by those who accidentally contacted them. The procedure to be followed is explained on the Municipality website.

For any questions, you can call 819 758-1571 or write to [email protected].

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