September 7, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Double vaccination halves the risk of chronic covid

Être double vacciné réduit de moitié les risques de Covid long

Double vaccination halves the risk of chronic covid, according to British Health Services and King’s College London researchers who analyzed data on participants who returned their symptoms, tests and vaccines in an application between December 2020 and July 2021. The sample had 1.2 million first doses and 970,000 second doses in adults.

They found that people who received a double dose were 47% less likely to suffer from chronic covia if they became infected.

In addition, the team found that people who received a double dose had fewer hospitalizations and less severe symptoms. The most common symptoms are similar to those of unvaccinated adults, anosmia, fever, cough, headache and fatigue. But these symptoms are mild and those who have been vaccinated are less frequently reported and in the first week they are half as likely to have multiple symptoms.

However, people living among the poor are at risk of contracting the infection after just one vaccination.

“In terms of long-term covid, our study proves that double vaccination significantly reduces both the risk of catching the virus and having long-term symptoms when contaminated,” explained Dr. Claire Steves, lead researcher of the study. , The risk is high, and it is imperative that they take a second dose and booster as a priority.

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