September 19, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Lyme disease. Ron Order calls for the doctor’s radiation

Lyme disease.  Ron Order calls for the doctor's radiation

“This is a conspiracy with false arguments, the Moscow trial.” Paul Troulos, Neuropsychiatrist Leonis, Expressed his anger, Thursday, September 16, three hours before the trial room after the trial.

About 200 people, According to the France Lyme Association, The courtroom came with large signs in front of it, specially written on it “There is no barrier to life-saving treatments”, To support a person who has initiated neurology for the treatment of stroke.

“The patient never received a complaint or report. It was his colleagues who attacked him! It had results, it was the most embarrassing of all.” Stephanie Clerk, regional manager of the association, was critical.

Controversial treatments and diagnoses

Departmental Council of the Order of Physicians (CDOM) accuses Professor Troulos of treating a young woman suffering “Delayed neurological form of Lyme borreliosis” According to him, other doctors were controversial, prescribing him antibiotics for more than 28 days and without marketing permission.

The neurologist promised to comply “Recommendations of Hot Autorite de Sante”. If this patient “If she had been diagnosed earlier, her life would not have been shattered if she had not been considered hysterical,” he said. He cried.

Controversy over diagnosis and Lyme disease is treated, transmitted by ticks Has confused doctors and patients for many years.

“Dangerous” method

For the lawyer of the neurologist, your Thomas Benagas, French-speaking Society of Infectious Pathology (SPILF), whose recommendations differ from HAS, “Notoriety never stops” The highest medical institution.

Order, it “Proposes Spilf’s protocols, uses Pro Troulos protocols to use random means to make people look like strangers”, According to the lawyer.

CDOM’s lawyer, Me Jérôme Cayol, believes it “Decisions must be made collectively”, Blaming the defendant for continuing his treatment “Despite the advice of his colleagues and hospitals.”

“While this may give some patients satisfaction, I urge you to take a decision that prohibits the practice of medicine and that its method is dangerous.” The lawyer continued.

The order also called for the practitioner’s radiation following reports from health insurance medical advisers on similar complaints involving nearly thirty patients.

Patients testify in favor of the doctor

Two of them, who had been forcibly confined to a wheelchair or moved with a cane, heard that their health was improving.

“It started with a big flu in January 2017, from which I had a hard time recovering and in August, I could not walk anymore”, Trusted Julian Thomas, 43, store manager at Rolion (Lower).

After several months“Medical wandering”, Or “You can’t put words into what you have”, Professor Troulos diagnosed him with Lyme disease and followed him “Two and a half years of heavy treatments”, Alternative cycles of antibiotic therapy.

“I thought I would never find my left leg again and today, I’m playing sports and I have a baby”, Forty was pleased with something.

The decision was made on advice.

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