September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

CGT Valence denies abusive suspensions in hospital

L'hôpital de Valence

First disputes, then Non-vaccinated caregiver suspensions. Of the 52 agents suspended from the Valence Hospital Center, the CGT denied Employee abuse suspensions on sick leave, And is intended to support the relevant agents to file a temporary relief before the courts to challenge these decisions.

This is the first time that people on sick leave have been suspended. We are in a legal position! – Kareem Chakeri, CGT Secretary at the Center Hospitalier de Valence

CGT union general secretary Kareem Chikeri also spoke at a hospital in Valencia “d ‘Abuse of power ; And favorably excludes the judgment of the argument. “I don’t know if we can say‘ Stop convenience ’. Doctors take sick leave, doctors are the only judges. Next, there is the possibility of sending expertise in administration. I do not understand why we are suspending people who are on sick leave. The unpleasant thing is that some have been away from work for many months For example burn out ! Are we trying to push them to the limit? “ He hammers.

On On the Facebook page, Invites union employees to inform: “If you are suspended, contact us. We are consulting a lawyer to make summary proceedings. “.

Yes, employees are suspended on sick leave

The hospital management, through the voice of its Deputy Director Patrick Machine, ensures that the hospital maintains its position, “No problem”. He explains that he did not understand the arguments and criticisms of the CGT. Yes, officers on sick leave have been suspended. Most “Not people with long illness or long maternity leave”. They can only offer their health pass when they return to work. “These are small works stopped on September 15 by people who are unwilling to give their certificates.” Patrick Machine explains.

It is their voluntary action to avoid this obligation to issue the certificate. Deliberately. So the measure of suspension also applies to them – Patrick Machine, Center Deputy Director, Hospitalier de Valence

“You can also send a certificate from your hospital bed” Considered Deputy Director of Valence Hospital, “You have the document on your smartphone. So the lack of communication is worth the suspension”. He said the widely circulated memos, letters and meetings at the hospital had ruled out the need to submit his vaccination pass by September 15 or the notion of ignorance.

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