October 6, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

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Biden comes forward again through his reforms

Biden comes forward again through his reforms

Joe Biden traveled to New Jersey on Monday to praise his program of economic and social reform, as it seems that Democratic parliamentarians have finally tuned their violins after several compromises.

Also read: Agreement on biden plans for next week, Pelosi said

The American president indicated he “hopes” to complete the file before leaving for Europe on Thursday, where he will spend the weekend with journalists gathered at Delaware State Air Base.

Before leaving for Rome Joe Biden wants to give the final push, where he will attend the G20 summit over the weekend, then to Glasgow, the great COP26 summit on the weather.

He said Monday before boarding Air Force One that the U.S. congressional vote would be “very positive” before he left.

He travels to neighboring New Jersey (northeast), where he outlines his plans for better care for young children – the United States lags behind developed countries – and his ambitions for public transport development.

Social spending on the one hand, and the development of physical infrastructure on the other: these are the two pillars of the Democratic president’s major investment program.

But the plan is still blocked in parliament, due to a lack of agreement between the most progressive in the Democratic camp, those who want to strike in the face of growing inequality, and the centrists who call for budget restraint. .

Joe Biden has been competing in recent days to stay away from parliamentary debates and to convince elected officials and explain his projects better to the general public.

The American president, who wants to make America a model for all democracies in the world, wants to reach Europe with a big political victory.

He was in his stronghold of Wilmington (Delaware, northeast) for breakfast on Sunday, with Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and one of the elected Refractive Democrats, Senator Joe Manchin.

This interview was “well done. There is still a lot to fix, but it’s well done, “Biden said Monday.

The Democratic majority in the Senate, the upper house of Congress, is so thin that the Democratic camp will not tolerate any defection.

To believe the latest press reports, it seems to be compromising on a less ambitious program, but at least in part, by a new tax measure, and has become very popular among progressive economists: the so-called tax “hidden” values.

The White House rejects plans to raise taxes on most American incomes.

Clearly, it is a question of taxing dormant profits in the thick portfolios of stocks of great American wealth, especially after a good period in the markets.

If this tax system is so innovative, let’s not forget that Joe Biden had to accept many compromises in order to pass his program “Build Back Better” (“Better Reconstruct”).

The infrastructure component, which weighs more than $ 1 trillion, should not be a big issue and should also garner votes from the Republican opposition, which has become increasingly rare as the Trump presidency expands partisan divisions.

But the 78-year-old Democrat has had to restrain his ambitions in terms of environmental and social costs in a country that sees health and education as broadly private matters.

The American president initially wanted to vote for a $ 3,500 billion program in 10 years to improve health, education and childhood care, but also to increase energy transition.

During the negotiations in his party, this amount was reduced to almost 2000 billion, which is the total remaining.

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