September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

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To target cancer, Center Eugene Marquis launches regional campaign to appeal for donations

To target cancer, Center Eugene Marquis launches regional campaign to appeal for donations

New equipment, research projects, supportive care … The Rennes-based Eugene Marquis Center, which is already at the cutting edge of cancer treatment, wants to accelerate its efforts. And for that, he needs funding.

If you pay attention to public displays, you can see the advertising campaign of the Eugene Marquis Center. The campaign for calls for donations on social networks also declined in November and December.

Each year, the center supports 21,000 patients. In an area where the number of new cancer cases continues to grow: 19,000 each year.

Therapeutic innovation allows for targeted therapies where the chances of permanent disease control increase. But this innovation is costly.

Dr. Claudia Lefuvre-Plesse

8 million euro machine

The external fundraising campaign should allow the purchase of a more efficient machine to target cancer‌ and thereby reduce side effects. Its name: IRM-Linac. A technical feat that first appeared at the Lyon Sud Hospital in France In October 2020. The additional equipment needed to create the new bunker will cost 8 million euros. State assistance does not match the intentions of the private public utility center.

Expand research

Requested donations can also be used to fund research. The three teams work at the center and develop projects to find new therapies or improve existing ones. As part of the call for donations, a committee of external reporters will select research projects for ethical reasons.

Improve patient comfort

Ethics, moreover, is a growing important element at the center. The Dedicated Committee has not yet blown the first candle. And in his thoughts, the comfort of the patient is even greater in treatment. We are talking about supportive care.

Supportive care is not adequately reimbursed by health insurance, so we are appealing for donations.

Pascal Briott, Deputy Managing Director

These important therapies for reducing pain or stress are not new, but they have taken on a whole new dimension with digital technology (virtual reality headsets, patient-selected music, light screens, etc.). There are also low material treatments such as workshops or workshops that support families of patients to learn how to tie a scarf while hair is falling out. Not forgetting paramedical consultations (psychologist, dietitian, etc.).

Progress in cancer treatment should not be forgotten by us “40% of cases can be prevented“, Breton Center General Manager Professor Renaud de Crovosier recalled.

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