June 25, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

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The influx of immigrants: Europe is finally crying out

The influx of immigrants: Europe is finally crying out

Tens of millions of people in Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere dream of moving to Europe. Those who can afford it pay money to criminal smuggling companies.

It is estimated that millions of these migrants have already reached their paradise by boat across the Mediterranean Sea since 2015. Now the focus is shifting to the east.

Migration tensions that have been simmering for months along the European Union (EU) border with Belarus have now changed Along with geopolitical conflictA major humanitarian crisis.

Many thousands of immigrants, especially from the Middle East, were stranded on the border between Belarus and Poland. Many are desperate for cash and are frustrated as winter approaches.

We came to this point because of the dictator Lukashenko of Belarus who wants revenge on the European Union for imposing sanctions on him. He was sworn in for a sixth term after the 2020 presidential election coup.

His election fraud has led to demonic protests for weeks. More than 35,000 were arrested and thousands were beaten by police. Winner, Leader of the Opposition Svetlana Tikhanovskaya had to flee into exile.

Lukashenko decided that the sanctions would no longer honor the treaty that prevents illegal immigration across the EU border, arguing that it has lost the funds needed to control the influx of immigrants. Caused the crisis itself. Belarusian government agencies have provided visa assistance to Middle Eastern immigrants. Some were moved to Minsk, the country’s state-owned airline, and then helped reach the EU border.

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Lukashenko relied heavily on his friend Putin as a friend and creditor. The Polish prime minister went so far as to accuse the Russian president of “sponsoring” the attack, leading Putin to respond: “I want everyone to know. We have nothing to do with it.”

When Lukashenko threatened to cut off the flow of the Russian gas pipeline, Moscow, crossing its territory towards Europe, is apt to reassure Europeans by telling them that it will continue to receive gas from Russia.

Still, Russian paratroopers took part in military maneuvers in Belarus last week. The Kremlin sees the country as a NATO security buffer zone.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov has said that immigration is a result of US – led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Uprisings with Western support in Syria and Libya. The bitter truth.

Europeans must be firm. Lukashenko succumbed to pressure and asked Poland to allow immigrants into Germany. It encourages him to continue such actions. The Belarusian opposition has called on the EU to impose tougher sanctions, including on trade sanctions.

Across the EU, polls suggest Europeans are saying ‘enough is enough’ in the wake of waves of stateless immigrants attacking their land and sea borders.

In response to immigration pressure, Austria, Denmark, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Chechnya, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary and Greece He called on Brussels to “adapt the existing legal framework to new realities.”.

It is a call for the repeal of the terms of the Geneva Convention on Refugees for the legal return of asylum seekers.

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By 2020 alone, EU countries had granted protection to nearly 280,000 people who were able to enter their territory without permission.

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