September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

A law for sharing health data

A law for sharing health data

Health Minister Christian Dubey wants to encourage patient data sharing by improving their accessibility across the network, including research centers, by submitting his bill.

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Bill 19, just introduced in the National Assembly, aims to promote a smoother and more secure flow of health and social services information. The evaluation of this data is also one of the key elements in the bill.

It is based on four main areas: patient data, evaluation of data for researchers, data access for administrators, and security of personal information.

Finally, this bill should allow the patient to follow the data on their hospital journey.

The government hopes to turn the pages in the old fashioned way and put an end to paper files. He wants to get into modernity and deal only with computerized clinical records.

Quebec wants to have a record of all medical consultations and make it easier for people to access their own information. They can also easily find out who contacted their file on the network.

The consulting specialist will have immediate access to the patient’s complete history.

Open for research

Quebec also seeks to improve health data by allowing researchers to be used “under specific circumstances” for research projects. “To optimize its usability,” the health minister said in the chamber.

The bill should not allow to identify the person concerned. ”

A committee is also required to standardize access following the rigorous analysis prescribed by the document. Indirect patient consent is also required. Its goal is to allow Quebecans to access new treatments more quickly and gain better health care.

To better manage

The project must have network managers have access to reliable and quality data, as well as fluid and decentralized transmission of information.

The bill states that information security is paramount. An information protection officer will need to be appointed.

The Information Commission has the power to investigate and monitor.

There will be penalty provisions in case of violations.

See also …

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