September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Omicron in January: “We must prepare for the worst”, according to a doctor

Omicron in January: "We must prepare for the worst", according to a doctor

The month of January will be difficult in terms of hospitalization in Quebec, with the recent increase in delta variant cases, the arrival of the Omicran variant, but also with the third dose long after. Population.

Also read: With 1,747 new cases and 7 deaths in Quebec, hospital admissions have risen sharply

At least the same dR Carl Weiss is a microbiologist and specialist in infectious diseases at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal.

“You have to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. The goal is to try to do everything to minimize the impact. January is always hard. There, with a new variant it can be even more difficult, with a large unprotected population at its third dose, although we generally have a well – protected population, D explained. .R Weiss was interviewed Tuesday on the Mario Dumont show.

  • Listen to Public Policy Analyst Patrick Derry with Benoit Deutrizac on QUB Radio:

Although the Quebecans were very disciplined and vaccinated, the virus did not say its last word.

“It’s reasonable for Cubans to want to be reasonable, but by early January, it was clear that there could be a total of all risks with cocktails. We need to be prepared for that, but if we vaccinate a lot, we can reduce the impact, ”he believes.

If Health Minister Christian Dubey increased the chances of increasing the daily COVID-19 cases to 3,000, it would not be impossible to reach 4000 or 5000 with the Omicron variant, according to D.R Weiss.

“It’s a decisive number of serious patients. If we had 5,000 cases, if only 500 were admitted to the hospital, that’s definitely a lot, but it’s still manageable.

According to the doctor, there are already dozens of omega cases in Quebec, which are likely to dominate the province in the coming weeks.

By comparison, Britain, which had only one omega case by the end of November, has now crossed 4,700 cases.

“In Quebec, we need to speed up the mass vaccination campaign with the third dose. We will postpone a lot, ”he insisted.

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