September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Israel will donate millions of doses of vaccine to African countries

Un agent médical se préparant à vacciner contre le coronavirus le 9 avril 2021.

“I’m glad Israel can be a partner in eradicating the epidemic” (Yar Lapid)

The State of Israel will donate one million Austrogenica vaccines to several African countries in the coming weeks through the Global COVAX facility.

In recent months, the State of Israel has strengthened its relations with many countries on the African continent, particularly as observer status in the organization of the African Union.

The vaccines, which are distributed to nearly a quarter of the continent’s countries, help strengthen ties between Israel and these countries.

COVAX is a Geneva-centric global vaccine delivery mechanism that works for a unified supply and equal distribution of coronavirus vaccines.

The mechanism is the product of extraordinary global cooperation, and it is often the only way for many developing countries to obtain vaccines.

“The state of Israel is joining the international effort to immunize the vaccine-free population. I’m glad that Israel can contribute to this effort and be a partner in eradicating the epidemic around the world. Assistance will be developed in those areas. The vaccination rate is low,” Foreign Minister Yar Lapid said in a statement.

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