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Kovid-19: In Antarctica, the isolated Belgian base is not beyond the explosion of cases

Kovid-19: In Antarctica, the isolated Belgian base is not beyond the explosion of cases

International Polar Foundation

The Belgian Princess Elizabeth Polar Station in Antarctica also experienced an explosion of Kovid-19 cases in late December 2021.

International – Kovid-19 is also infiltrating unexpectedly. From mid-December, Princess Elizabeth Polar Station Belgian Is in it Antarctic However, it also experienced an explosion of cases Sanitary measures Strict measures, which scientists respect, revealed Sawyermag Last December 28.

Arrival of Virus Based on that, there are currently 33 people, dated December 14th, when a member who came a week earlier tested positive. He was placed in solitary confinement and other passengers were tested: two of them tested positive for Kovid-19.

Google Maps Screenshot

Google Maps screenshot of the Belgian Princess Elizabeth Polar Station in Antarctica.

Despite the evacuation of the three men on December 23, the virus continues to spread Sawyermag, One-third of the station’s members were infected by the end of December. However, there are no serious symptoms to worry about: everyone got their double dose of the vaccine – a mandatory condition to join the base – and at least one got his booster injection as well.

Pollution by Omicron?

On the chain ABC, Joseph Cheek, project manager of the International Polar Foundation, said on Tuesday, January 4, that no one was sick anymore. “Everyone came back quickly. Symptoms of infection include sore throat, sometimes a slight fever, fatigue and headache, ”he said.

He said all the scientists had the opportunity to vacate the base on January 12, but they had so far refused to continue their research. “The epidemic was only a minor annoyance, and everyone who should have tested positive and gone into custody is now back at work,” he said.

Authorities are now questioning the source of the first-person contamination, but passengers arriving at the base not only were vaccinated, but also underwent several PCR tests and honored the ten-day detention. South Africa, A mandatory route to Antarctica. According to a virologist contacted by the Belgian Polar Secretariat, it is located in South Africa, a highly contagious country. Omicron, Will definitely cause pollution.

However, the Princess Elizabeth Polar Station in Antarctica was not the only one contaminated by the virus. As of December 2020, the military base has 36 members Chili Tested positive on this frozen continent.

See also HuffPost: Kovid: 2 French Positive Every Second, “10% of the Population” Contact Case, Veron Alert

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