November 25, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

COVID-19: a sous-variant of the virus Omicron detected 57 times

COVID-19: a sous-variant of the virus Omicron detected 57 times

Unusually variant of the Souche du Coronavirus Omicron qui, which has certain sizes, even more contagious quotes from the original version, with more than 57 words, announcing mardi l’OMS.

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Omicron, which propage and mute rapidement, is the variant dominant of the monde depuis qui in the most detectable fox premier foz in afrique australine dix semines.

In bulletin fastimiologic hebdomadaire, the organization mondiale la santé explique which variant, which reprises more than 93% of your specific spirits collection coronavirus au cours du mois écouleé, Bio.1.1 Bio :.1 , BA.2 et BA.3.

The BA.1 and BA.1.1 – the premier versions of identifiers – consist of more than 96% of the most sensitive Omicron downloads based on the donations of GISAID.

But on constate a net account of the number of cases implicitly BA.2, which comptees most of the mutations in the different versions of the original origin, noting the protein spike mark on the surface of the virus and which of these is essentially the best cell phone for all human cells.

«Des squences sign BA.2 on étim soumises au GISAID for 57 pays à ce jour, a souligné l’OMS, azoutant que, dans certain pas, sous-variant resentment dicormais plus la moité des séquences omicron recue.

L’OMS declares the savait encore pee de choses on these diffrances entre sous-variants and demand études soient effects on ceracticristios virus, notment on sur transmissibility, capacitor ux chaser protections immunities et sa virulence.

Plus the rhetorical totals on the lyrics that BA.2 is the most contiguous l’Omicron original.

Maria Van Kerkhove, l’On principaux experts at l’OMS on le Covid, a dcclaré mardi à la presse que las information on sous-variant autient limits, mais certain donés initiales indictive quo BA.2 avait «une légre augament du taux de croissance per rapport à BA.1 “.

Omicron provoke in the global maladies moons graves the variants of the coronavirus and Mme Van Kerkhove’s d’Clarse that rien ne montreet jusqu presents the sous-variant BA.2 presenting davantage in gravito.


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