September 19, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

[EN IMAGES] Egypt: The tombs of five pharaohs were found in Saqqara

[EN IMAGES] Egypt: The tombs of five pharaohs were found in Saqqara

Five Pharaonic tombs “in good condition and built for high officials” were unveiled Saturday in Egypt, in the Saccara in the Necropolis of Memphis, the capital of the old kingdom of the Pharaohs.

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Fifteen kilometers south of the famous pyramids of the Giza Plateau is the site of Chakra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the famous Step Pyramid of the Pharaoh Djoser, dating back to the Pharaonic era.

Built in 2700 BC by the architect Imhotep, this monument is considered to be the oldest on the earth’s surface.

Five tombs were discovered by Egyptian archaeologists in 2270 BC, northeast of the pyramid of King Merenre I, who ruled Egypt.

According to the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the tombs contain the remains of senior officials.

Sarcophagus was unearthed in limestone during excavations at a treasury called Irie, and colorful ornaments represent funeral scenes, including “altar tables, seven oils, and the facade of the palace,” he said in a statement.

[EN IMAGES]    Egypt: The tombs of five pharaohs were found in Saqqara

The other three tombs, six meters deep, belong to two women, one of whom was “fully responsible for the beautification of the king” and the other for the priest Pepi Nephoni.

And the last, dedicated to “Henu, the captain of the royal house,” sinking to a depth of seven meters from the same source.

Already in January 2021, Egypt unearthed new archeological “treasures” in the Sugar Necropolis, in which the nearly 50-year-old New Kingdom sarcophagus is said to be “rewriting history” from this period.

Egyptian authorities are expected to open a “Great Egyptian Museum” near the Giza Plateau in the coming months and are counting on these new discoveries to revive tourism severely damaged by Kovid-19.

The sector, which employs two million people and produces more than 10% of GDP, has halved since the Arab Spring in 2011.

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