October 5, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Arrest of Eric Duheim County Organizer

Arrest of Eric Duheim County Organizer

Surat du Quebec has arrested Eric Duheim, a county organizer of the party, for obstructing the Kovid-19 vaccination appointment system.

Sylvie Paradis, 54, a follower of the conspiracy theories, was arrested on March 23 and is facing charges of rioting.

Police also searched his residence in St-Liendre, near Matane in Boss-Saint-Laurent.

According to our information, about fifty false appointments have been registered on the Click Sante platform in the fifties.

These measures have the effect of unnecessarily mobilizing employees and slowing down the vaccination campaign.

Sylvie Paradis also revealed details of her alleged scheme in two Facebook publications dated December 8, 2021.

She claims to have taken “false” appointments for a COVID injection [sic] నమోదు By entering false information in booking forms. “So there are very few appointments available to him [sic] “, She wrote.

Joined work yesterday afternoon, Sylvie Paradis briefly confirmed that she had been arrested for making false appointments.

Along with Duhaim

Since the beginning of the year, Lady Matane has been Vice-President of the Constituent Assembly of the Conservative Party of Quebec in Matapedia.

A photo published last summer in a local newspaper revealed him as well as Eric Duheim.

In an interview, the leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec said he did not know the organizer personally and would resign in the wake of his arrest.

“She is not a character, she is not in my entourage. It’s an activist. She campaigned for the party, yes, she is a member of the party, ”he replied, adding that it was impossible to examine the 56,000 members of the PCQ or interfere in the formation of county associations.

“Not a good idea”

Eric Duheim however wanted to condemn the alleged actions.

He argued that this was not a good idea and that she had not done so in the name of the party.

Sylvie was released on the promise that Paradise would appear. She must appear in religious court in May, where she will be formally summoned.

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