October 5, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Silence is dangerous

Silence is dangerous

If there is one theme that transcends elections in all democracies, it is immigration. This theme is particularly important as democracies have been experiencing a sharp decline in birth rates for several decades.

Italians’ dissatisfaction with immigration policies, in large part, explains the rise of the Brotherhood of Italy, which promises radical solutions. Italy has the worst birth rate in the world.

In France, the National Front has fueled the fight against immigration. Brexit depends largely on rejection of the European Union’s immigration policies. Recent elections in Sweden also brought an anti-immigration party to power. In the United States, immigration is one of the favorite hobbies of Republicans.

Immigration and Religion

Behind the theme of immigration lurks another topic that politicians in Europe approach with modesty: religion, and especially Islam.

The strong religiosity of many immigrants collides with the fundamentalist Christianity of part of the local population and the weaker religiosity of other citizens.

In an ideal world, everyone could and should live on good terms. But religion interferes with politics, especially with topical issues such as abortion or sexual morality.

For religious fundamentalists, this interferes with democratic institutions because they place the decisions of religious leaders above those of elected officials.

The net result is that in many democracies, many right-wing parties supported by Christian fundamentalists advocate anti-immigrant and pronatalist policies.

Silence in the center and on the left

One of the striking features of democracies is the silence of the center and the left on immigration and religious issues.

When Francois Legault refuses to comment on immigration, saying the subject is “too sensitive,” he follows the trend that bathes the majority of democratic leaders. In doing so, he strengthens Eric Duhaime’s right.

Paul Saint-Pierre Plamondon is not afraid to address this issue, which distinguishes him among moderates.

By avoiding these things, the ranks of extremist parties swell with an increasingly concerned citizenry.

In Quebec, immigration goes beyond the issue of French survival. As elsewhere, it affects the place of religion in tomorrow’s society and the values ​​by which societies live.

It also affects the performance of the economy after decades of declining birth rates.

It shakes the foundations of democracy.

Unfortunately, intensified multiculturalism prevents these issues from being discussed calmly. Not to mention some feminists who assume that talking about birth rates implies the enslavement of women. Likewise, many religious lobbies take advantage of immigration to strengthen themselves.

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