October 24, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

2023 saw a record number of forced evictions

2023 saw a record number of forced evictions

The Group of Housing Committees and Tenants’ Associations of Quebec (RCLALQ) released a study on Tuesday showing that the number of forced evictions is at a record high, according to the organization.

This data was generated by members of RCLALQ member groups across Quebec.

Between 2022 and 2023, the number of cases compiled increased from 1,525 to 3,531, an increase of 132%.

The organization claims that this is only the tip of the iceberg, as most cases go unreported to housing committees.

“We are asking the Quebec government to amend the law to require all restart, removal and major work projects to obtain court authorization and be subject to mandatory monitoring over the next year,” the organization wrote in a press release.

No region of Quebec is immune

We observed the largest increase in the number of cases in Montreal; 143% increase. Moreover, the Petit Patrie Housing Committee recorded the highest number of cases in the metropolis, i.e. 485, followed by the Plateau Mont-Royal Housing Committee with 391 cases.

The South Shore of Montreal Housing Committee registered 336 cases.

In Quebec, the number of forced evictions increased by 69%, according to the RCLALQ.

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