September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

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Can the Île d'Orléans bridge interest be filed?

Can the Île d'Orléans bridge interest be filed?

Under a Facebook post from Kenam Pants Recruitment, an internet user suggested that Beauceron's company join hands with Davie… and that's it.

Access to the shipyard's facilities in Lewes allowed Conam Ponts to weld the weather-protected components before transporting them by barge to the site of the future bridge.

“We have already approached Davy for cooperation. However, they told us that they are not interested in this project,” said the page moderator.

After checking with Davy, it appears that the shipyard never officially rejected such a proposal.

“We will analyze all the possibilities and it looks interesting. But the challenge remains with the modernization of our site and future contracts. We will be careful,” he said. the sun Marcel Poulin, director of external affairs at Davie, in a telephone interview.

“We have also referred them to Group Ocean, which is equipped with barges and can work as per the requirements of the Ministry of Transport,” he said.

solution kept on ice

Mathias Duttil, vice-president and general manager of Conum Pants, confirmed that the company run by the Dutil family threw a pillar at them in August 2023.

He said that there is no interest.

Conan Ponts steps into Davy while several cargo ships are converging at the shipyard. “This is a question for 2026-2027. They are going to be very busy with the boats,” he explained.

“We saw everybody with factories on the waterfront.”

Mathias Datil, Vice President and General Manager of Conum Bridges

The company later approached other players with neighboring factories, particularly in Trois-Rivières. In the absence of definitive results, the option was finally shelved.

In particular it does not represent an “ideal” scenario for a company specializing in steel structures.

The additional maintenance will increase the bill, says Mr. Datil.

“If you do caissons 10 kilometers from the site, you go to Trois-Rivières. You make transfers to another factory. You just weld them in there. You bring them on a barge. It's getting complicated.”

“Chances are slim”

Since the first public launch of Canam Bridges in June, Mr.

A cry from the heart of the Union of Canam Bridges Workers and the Central des Syndicates Nationaux (CSN) was heard on Monday.

At the moment, the prices of the different scenarios in the table proposed by Canam Ponts are in the hands of a consortium formed by Dragados and EBC.

A contract should be awarded soon, which predicts a person who sees slimming opportunities. “If they eliminate the need to weld everywhere, we'll be able to compete,” he breathed.

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