October 15, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Independence may come in 2027

Independence may come in 2027

As we can see from several indicators, support for Quebec independence is resurgent.

We see this with the PQ taking first place in the Black polls as well.

We also see the return of the national question in conversations.

From 1960 to 2000, talking about politics in Quebec meant talking about independence or the constitution. After that, the national problem rotted. She was tired. This no longer interests anyone, but convinces separatists who talk among themselves.


Or we refer to it by the identification question: reasonable accommodation, French language, population, ECR. But if these subjects exist, we don't connect them to Canada, with Canadian multiculturalism.

It won't be like this anymore.

We talk today, every day, about the sinking immigration that Canada imposes on Quebec.

We are talking about the French retreat in Montreal.

We also talk about the Islamization of Quebec.

Above all, we link between it and the membership of Quebec in Canada.

Quebecers are making the connection between their future as a people and Canadian federalism, which condemns them to become a minority in Quebec itself in just a few decades.

And it is precisely this understanding that will be at the heart of the next referendum.

The first, from 1980, was animated by the romantic quest for a nation to be born.

The second was a response to Canadian refusal to recognize Quebec as a separate society. Quebecers have tried everything to find a place in Canada, without success. So they invited to give them a country.

A third referendum will have a more dramatic scope. This raises the question of the survival of the people of Quebec. Freedom today rhymes with survival.

And that's why he succeeds. Because it touches the fundamental identity cord of Quebecers who have worked on their collective unconscious for more than 250 years: their legitimate fear of disappearing as a people.

Since the silent revolution, they want to believe that this concern is behind them. But they experience it reborn, because they see clearly that the combination of federal multiculturalism and immigrationism will crush them, dissolve them, and complete them.

Sovereigns have to say things: it's now or never. Quebecers have the courage to exist clearly as a people, or they will collapse.

I return to elections: Quebecers come alive when a major event forces them to take a position.

It could be a Supreme Court ruling on Bill 21 or an increase in the wake of the immigration crisis.


It may just be the PQ taking power and the referendum announcement that will force Quebecers to stretch themselves.

They need a political deadline to move and escape the quiet comfort of uncertainty.

This was true of Jacques Parisou in 1995.

This will be true in 2027.

And we will succeed. Finally.

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