September 20, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Animal cruelty: A cat escapes from an SUV on the 20th

Animal cruelty: A cat escapes from an SUV on the 20th

The cat that was launched on Highway 20 last week has miraculously survived, and one of the witnesses to this disturbing act of animal cruelty will soon be adopted.

Also read: Animal cruelty: A cat was launched on Highway 20

“I think it’s natural to adopt him so that he will no longer have love,” said Eric Korivev, indicating that he has already signed the adoption papers.

This Chambley resident said the animal was still alive, especially relieved at the interview Newspaper Last Friday, he opined that it was impossible for a small beast to get out of all automobiles.

Mr. Corrieve was reportedly driving on Highway 20 near Saint-Hyacinth on the 1stIs Last July, an SUV driver in front of him opened his window to throw a helpless cat on the asphalt.

While trying to avoid the cat, the 25-year-old naturally braked violently, resulting in an ision with the car behind him.


“I had a little post-traumatic shock. I could not sleep the night after that. I was really shocked,” said Eric Corrie, who could soon find solace with Rosette.

The young man got such a nickname because of the small black spot that covered her head in the middle of the young white coat.

She is currently safe and sound at the St.-Hycinth University Hospital Center (CHUV) shelter.

“The cat was fine and suffered no serious injuries,” said CHUV spokeswoman Julie Dufour.

OmTo me Dufour did not specify under what circumstances the rosette was found.

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