The most popular and talented novelist, TheScottish Val McDermid Her new novel explores difficult social issues, So talk to the...
Felix Nathan
The boss of a ride-hailing company called an Uber driver a "hero" after he stopped en route to help residents...
A 57-year-old man has been charged with hiring a hitman to try to kill a young woman in the US....
A gang of fraudsters from India, who have been running a fake police station 500 meters from the city police...
(Ottawa) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his government will ensure MPs consider all possible consequences of a business trip to...
(Beijing) A Canadian businessman of Chinese origin was sentenced Friday to 13 years in prison for a series of financial...
(Washington) Scientists announced Thursday that they have discovered a method to destroy certain pollutants, called "permanent" because of their extreme...
(NEW YORK) The former chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, a close associate of Donald Trump, pleaded guilty Thursday...
In 2016, Donald Trump said he could shoot anyone on Fifth Avenue and his supporters would still support him. In...
The mayor of Venice (Italy) condemned "two idiots" who were filmed waterskiing on the Grand Canal on Wednesday, offering a...