September 19, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Estrogenca vaccine | Roll up your sleeve

Estrogenca vaccine |  Roll up your sleeve

Christian Dubey, Minister of AstraZeneca Vaccine Safety, Health and Social Services, assured that the opinion of medical experts from Quebec, Canada and the World Health Organization is being cleverly disseminated.

Paul JarnettPaul Jarnett

But know this, skeptics are hard to confuse. Quoting another comedian, the minister’s belief in the vaccine, we do not want to know it, we want to see it!

It will be soon.

Mr. Dubey, born in 1956 and living in Montreal, can be vaccinated by current standards. His appointment is due to take place on Thursday, I have been confirmed.

Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, he said he did not want to “demonstrate this”. But his thinking is changing. His cabinet calls on the media. On the other hand, he does the same as other Cubans and accepts the vaccine given to him.

Photo by Jacques Boisinot, Canadian Press

Christian Dubey, Minister of Health and Social Services, will be vaccinated because he was born in 1956 and lives in Montreal.

I want Mr. Dubey to be an example. No one has the right to choose their vaccine. But no one will ask AstraZeneca. 1% to 2% of people who have an appointment return home without accepting it. By taking it, the minister recognizes the spirits.

The United States, for its part, understood the power of film. Although he is 61 years old, Vice President Mike Pence was vaccinated in front of the media at the start of the campaign on December 19. His message: Fear not, vaccines are safe.

But in our country, politicians are accused of lowering this line.

“I want to be respected and like everyone else I want to wait for my turn,” Franకోois Legalt said Tuesday. I’m 63, so when we get to that team, I’m going [y] To go. ”

He had “no problem” receiving any of the three vaccines.

Justin Trudeau makes the same speech.

I believe they are sincere and they are doing the right thing.

They are afraid of criticism and they are not wrong. Some will undoubtedly find a way to be angry. But the angry minorities won. How sad

However, the Prime Minister is not a citizen like everyone else. At this stage of the vaccine campaign, he will not lose a valuable dose to an elderly person.

Photo archives by Ryan Rimiorge, Canadian Press

Franకోois Legalt

Also, the fact is very little publicized, D’s right armr Horacio Arruda, Le dr Richard Moss was vaccinated by the National Directorate of Public Health. And he received one from Astrogeneca.


“This vaccine is safe,” the doctor said.r Nicolas Brosso, chairman of the Quebec Immunization Committee.

To prevent hospitalizations and deaths, the estrogen vaccine is “comparable in effectiveness” to vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. It is slightly less likely to alleviate minor symptoms such as fever.

Another important point: the group of vaccines of concern in Europe is not the one received in Canada.

Of course, science is evolutionary, and risk must be carefully considered. This is what D is doingr Brusso and his colleagues. If the data changes, they will adjust quickly.

The European Medicines Agency will unveil its investigation on Thursday. If she insists there is no danger, I believe it is enough to reassure people, but I have my doubts.

Some refuse to believe the official scientific study. For them, there is no big deal to do. But a lot of people with good faith are really worried. They only ask to be reassured, and the image wrapped around the sleeves of our heroes does not hurt. With the leaders of each party to bring the people together.


It’s a shame if we forget the good news of what’s happening in Europe: in a few days, all secondary school lessons will be interviewed in the Orange Zone (March 22), finally allowed in the Red Zone (March 26) and curfew now begins at 9:30 pm in the Red Zone.

After all, all Cubans who want to get vaccinated should receive their first dose by June 24th.

This has been suspected for weeks with an increase in expected delayed vaccine deliveries. But Justin Trudeau, who is interested in lowering expectations that will come as a good surprise in the run-up to this election, took the time to say.

The provinces have been criticizing the federal government since December over the slow arrival of vaccines. The pressure is now shifting to their shoulders.

By the end of March, Canada will have received nearly 8 million doses. The pace will triple by June and then triple by September. The logical challenge is immense.

This acceleration of the campaign explains the slow start of deconfinition, which does not dare to say its word. As has happened in Europe, this spring variants must do the final battle without causing a third wave.

And for that, Quebec has no choice. We need as many people as possible to get vaccinated. For their good, and for the rest of the population.

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