September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Fifty-five coronavirus-positive people aboard a cruise ship departing from Florida

Fifty-five coronavirus-positive people aboard a cruise ship departing from Florida

Fifty-five people on the Royal Caribbean International Cruise Ship, which departed from Florida on Saturday, tested positive for COVID-19, the company said.

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Among those infected were passengers and crew, although 95% of those on board were vaccinated against the coronavirus, the Royal Caribbean said late Wednesday.

Boating is not allowed on the Caribbean islands of Curacao and Aruba, the last scheduled stops on its eight-day voyage. So it will be at sea until it returns to Fort Lauderdale, Florida on December 26th.

The “Odyssey of the Seas” carried 3,587 passengers and 1,599 crew, according to USA Today.

According to the company, 55 infected people have been vaccinated against the coronavirus and are either asymptomatic or showing mild symptoms.

This is the second outbreak of coronavirus detected on weekdays on a Royal Caribbean boat.

Last Saturday, the “Symphony of the Seas” Kovid returned to the port of Miami with 48 victims.

The coronavirus has stopped cruise operations for more than a year.

For example, Royal Caribbean relaunched in June with a series of measures aimed at curbing the virus, such as the mandatory vaccine for employees and travelers over 12 years of age.

But the highly contagious Omicron variant presents a new challenge.

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