September 7, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

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Health Passport in France | Anti-Semitic signs entered the protests

Health Passport in France |  Anti-Semitic signs entered the protests

(Paris) It is impossible to ignore: Amid comparisons with provocative slogans and Nazi horrors, anti-health passport protests in France are full of anti-Semitic signs. Anti-Semitism, which has spread through the epidemic and social networks, has become commonplace, alerting associations and professionals.

France Media Agency

Some exhibitors use widely denigrated symbolism – yellow stars on the chest, denunciations of the “Nazi passport”, a swastika formed by syringes – which relates to Nazi barbarism.

The anti-Semitic “Who? , Used as a code to attribute responsibility for the health crisis to the Jewish community, also participated in processions across the country.

According to anti-racial groups, the accumulation of alarming signals crossed the plateau during this mobilization.

Dominic Sopo, president of the French anti-racism organization SOS Racism, noted that “the nature of repetitive and imaginative things impresses me. Is. Yet the slogan is “Who? “And its anti-Semitic meaning has been widely publicized”.

Mario Stacy, president of the International League for Democracy (ILO), lamented the “unbridled word on social media that is rampant on the streets.” , For which she will be sentenced on September 8th.

The anti-Sanitary Passport Movement – which rallied more than 214,000 protesters in France last Saturday, according to police, and the 388,000 militant collective Le Nombre Joun – can not be “reduced” to this anti-Semitic edge, the leader said. Affiliate. But for him, “Vaccination rejection is fueled by conspiracy theories, which are a clear gateway to anti-Semitism. ”

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Things began long before the slogan “Who” appeared, a classic tactic of the extreme right to appoint a victim without naming him, explained historian Mark Noble.

“Since the beginning of the epidemic, we have seen dirty comments on some platforms targeting Agnes Bujin. [l’ex-ministre de la Santé], Her husband immunologist Yves Levy, or Director General of Health Jerome Salomon. The allegations were then spread to all Jews, ”the expert recalled in an anti-racist and anti-Semitic campaign on the Internet.

With the share of uncertainties and fears, he explained that the epidemic was “practiced for anti-Semitic purposes”.

“Extremist-right activists or opponents of the patent committee have adopted their entire speeches to bring out obscene clichs.” The Jewish community has been accused of manipulating power, profiting from vaccines, or trying to poison the population.

“The COVID-19 order is an accelerator of anti-Semitism, because we are seeing continuous drama,” adds researcher Tristan Mendes-France, an expert on conspiracy. “When we talk about the epidemic every day, people who switch to conspiratorial poses online are reminded daily of their anger and frustration. It’s like drawing an open wound.”

Anti-health passport meetings, contingent and constructive, and therefore all speeches, even the most extreme.

“These are suitcase demonstrations, held behind obscure terms that allow communities that are not related to each other to come together,” Mendes-France said.

Beyond the first and second place of Florian Filippot (Les Patriots), the largest right-wing National Front party, to lead the largest anti-Parisian health passport protests, with the Semitic provocation of the Semitic provocateur repeatedly denouncing Civitas’ fundamentalist Catholics or the controversial Dionne-his opposition – ” Invite yourself to the processions as well.

To hold the authors of unacceptable comments accountable, the European Jewish Organization (OJE) sends lawyers and volunteer judges to demonstrations. “We will try to provide as much material as possible for the prosecution,” said its president, Muriel Owaknin-Melki.

But in the case of the prosecution, the lawyer lamented that “the fines are so light that we rarely go beyond the fine or the suspension”. For her, “Judges need to know their role. We do not measure the toxicity that pervades our society.”

At Lycra, Mr Stacy is also calling for “internships for racist criminals” and “genuine European control” over cyberbullying. “We can no longer be limited to social networks,” he concluded.

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