September 7, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Human Rights: China and Canada clash at UN

Human Rights: China and Canada clash at UN

Geneva | Canada on Tuesday condemned the human rights situation in China’s Xinjiang and Hong Kong on behalf of about 40 countries, calling on Beijing to respond and investigate human rights violations. Native Canadians.

The joint statement on China, read by Canada before the Human Rights Council – the highest body in the field, is one that many diplomats and NGOs in Geneva have been waiting for a few days, devoting to defense in Beijing.

“We are deeply concerned about the human rights situation in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Said Norton.

Beijing denies the number and talks about “vocational training centers” to support employment and fight religious terrorism.

The statement, signed by about 40 countries, including the United States and France, called on China to give “immediate, meaningful and unrestricted access to Xinjiang to independent observers, including the High Commissioner.”

“Finally, we are deeply concerned about the deterioration of fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong under the National Security Act and the human rights situation in Tibet,” Norton said.

Dozens of countries have been pinned by China in a previous statement for the plight of Uyghurs and other minorities in Xinjiang.

In response to Canada’s earlier statement, the Chinese envoy before the Canadian ambassador said that the joint statement – on behalf of Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, Syria and Sri Lanka – were “suffering with the indigenous population in Canada” over “serious human rights violations”.

The statement said the remains of 215 children were recently found near a former Indigenous residential school run by the Catholic Church in western Canada. And called for an investigation into all cases of “crime against the domestic population.”

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