September 20, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

PLQ | Gaton Barrett was in the Caucasus and shot Dominic Anglade

PLQ |  Gaton Barrett was in the Caucasus and shot Dominic Anglade

(Quebec) MP Gaétan Barrette is the right soldier. He surrenders without hesitation to the permission imposed by his employer Dominic Anglade last Saturday and although he allows himself to raise objections about the style, he hopes to remain in the liberal office until the end of the order. Next.

Jocelyn Richer
Canadian Press

He is not yet ready to be officially announced, but he will not seek another term, so he will end his political career in October 2022.

This is what the Canadian press learned from a credible liberal source on Friday.

For a week, the La Pioneer member was very discreet, as his employer had removed all of his parliamentary activities. We never saw him in Parliament again, he did not attend his political party meetings, he refused all interview requests and did not give life signs to his colleagues.

It did not take long for all sorts of rumors to spread in the corridors of Parliament, and everyone is wondering how the former bloodthirsty former health minister would respond with good kindness or acceptance to this rejection. Does the door knock to sit as an Independent?

According to sources close to the deputy, Mr. Barrett took the issue seriously and, without making any changes, finally left the Caucasus and examined various scenes before finally choosing to stay with the Liberal team.

We therefore meet him again in Parliament next week and we assure him that he will take part in the next sessions. He is also expected to attend the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ) conference in Quebec later this month.

So he decided to swallow the snake, even though he was completely shocked by the turn of events and he still believed he should not be ashamed.

Was Angled badly advised?

Gaton Barrett did not anticipate that the Liberal Caucasus’ leadership style and management style, preferred by the official opposition leader, would face such approval and miracles – without competing with them – for policies he clearly considers skeptical. Attributes to external influences, he said confidently to those around him.

According to dR Barrett, it was said, could not make good decisions with his personal guard Dominic Angled. In his opinion, this is bad advice.

According to our information, he is also Mr.Me At a press conference this week, Angled made derogatory remarks about him, pointing out that in order to be a liberal candidate in 2022, Mr. Barrett needs people who are capable of working as a team with qualities that he does not have.

Over the past few months, on several occasions, Mr.Me Anglade pointed out that Mr Barrett was not in his plans for the 2022 poll.

It all started last Saturday after an exchange of tweets between La Pioneer member and health spokeswoman Maurice-Richard member Mary Montpetit.

The chief blamed Mr. Barrett for two things: for constantly commenting on the health file on social networks, for criticizing the attitude and speech of doctors, when it was not his file, and for having lunch with the chief. The Prime Minister’s staff, without informing anyone on his team. To mMe Montpet, accusing her of publicly reprimanding her colleague.

M.Me Angled therefore decided on Saturday to withdraw all their parliamentary programs from the two deputies. Subsequently, due to allegations of psychological harassment against a member for Maurice-Richard, Mr.Me Montpet was granted additional permission by exclusion from the Liberal Caucus.

Since then, the PLQ has been in a state of shock and crisis, just months before the next election campaign.

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