September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Quebec has invested $ 150 million in Olimel

Quebec has invested $ 150 million in Olimel

The Legal government has invested $ 150 million in Quebec giant Olimel‌ to help accelerate its competitiveness and undertake $ 315 million in projects in fourth gear.

Of Quebec’s 150 million, 74 million came from the Ministry of Finance and Innovation’s new Quebec Business Growth Fund and 76 million from Investment Quebec.

“In addition to taking this leader to a higher technical level, the Olimel project fits exactly this vision by consolidating 10,000 jobs here,” Finance Minister Pierre FitzGibbon said in a press release.

“Olimel is a leading food company in Quebec. Contributing to its growth will help us achieve our goals, ”said Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Minister Andre Lamontagne.

“By taking a stake in the company, Investment Quebec is fully playing its part, which will enable the key players in our strategic industries to help in their development and achieve their goals,” said Guy LeBlanc, CEO from Investment Quebec.

Future factories

Production, slaughtering, processing, distribution of pork and poultry … Olimel aims to improve the processes and equipment of its factories.

While all of the company’s projects exceed 5,315 million, Quebec hopes to support its growth to stimulate its core investments.

“The assistance from the Quebec Government and Investment Quebec Government has supported our efforts and concrete development projects in recent years, not only to maintain our competitive potential, but also to sustain our growth and always improve the way we work,” Nadine shared in the region. , CEO of Olimel.

The Quebec giant wants to improve its computer operating systems, upgrade two chicken slaughterhouses, pre-pack and add a second shift to its Ange-Guardian plant in Monteroji.

Founded in 1991, Olimel is headquartered in Saint-Hyssinthe, Monterogy. The company has 42 bases in Canada and about 30 in Quebec.

More than 9,488 people in the province are working for it, but the giant is still looking for a good 2,000 people to meet its urgent labor needs.

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