October 6, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Report of the Inspector General | Pompeo was accused of committing ethical violations when Trump was foreign secretary

Report of the Inspector General |  Pompeo was accused of committing ethical violations when Trump was foreign secretary

(Washington) Former U.S. Diplomat Mike Pompey, along with his wife Susan‌, assigned personal assignments to taxpayers’ money-paying agents, a violation of the code of conduct, according to a report released Friday by the department’s inspector general.

France Media Agency

The allegations are the result of an internal investigation that began at the request of the then Secretary of State, Inspector General, when former President Donald Trump resigned last May.

The investigation continued, including after the Republican government withdrew in January.

His result comes at a time when Mike Pompey is already engaged in an unnamed campaign aimed at running for the Republican nomination for the 2024 presidential election. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t stop Joe. Democratic government. Biden.

The Inspector General’s Office found that Pompeo had assigned “tasks of a personal nature” 100 times to “an agent appointed on political standards and to other officials in the Secretary of State’s office.” Report.

“These requests are not subject to the ethical rules of the State Department and the U.S. government,” said the inspector, who is responsible for independently overseeing the use of the diplomatic authority.

Last year, the secretary dismissed these suspicions as “crazy” and accused Inspector Steve Linick, who launched the investigation, of being a “bad actor” – to justify his dismissal.

According to the report, the couple asked a “consultant” to walk their dog and make more than 30 restaurant reservations for a private meal such as a Sunday brunch at the “Cheesecake Factory”.

Susan Pompey urged television journalists or political commentators to be careful about winning prizes for their hosts when invited to the home. The same request for a souvenir t-shirt for the daughter of a personal, religious friend in Ukraine.

In addition, the inspector found that their son Nick Pompey was benefiting from a discount usually assigned to government staff in a hotel room when he attended an American football match presented as an official visit with his parents.

However, the report did not recommend any disciplinary action against Mike Pompey, a recent political commentator for the conservative channel Fox News.

The former foreign secretary has repeatedly accused Democrats, who are more loyal to Trumpist secretaries, of using his office for political purposes, including hosting banquets with traditional figures and donors in the state department.

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