September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Spain caught up with the extreme heat wave

Spain caught up with the extreme heat wave

(Madrid) Heat waves spread over much of Spain on Sunday, with temperatures soaring that residents and tourists sought refuge in the shade or in the cool of swimming pools.

The Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has warned most parts of the country against the heat wave, with temperatures reaching 40 ° C for the second day in a row in Madrid and Seville (south).

The first episode of extreme heat in Spain this year is likely to spread east on Monday before temperatures drop. Only part of Spain’s North Atlantic coast should be left.

Some escaped the intense heat by taking refuge in the air-conditioned galleries of Madrid’s famous Prado Museum, which included works by Rembrandt, Rubens and Le Greco.

Photo by Christina Quickler, France-Press Agency

A woman takes advantage of the fountain to cool off in Seville.

“We thought it was a good plan for a day like today,” said Rosa Alfagem, 44, as she and her husband and their six-year-old daughter lined up to enter the museum.

“It’s like every year, we almost forget,” Ms.To me AlphaGame said they had no air conditioning at home.

Others went to a nearby retro park, an artificial lake or municipal swimming pools.

Photo by Paul White, Associated Press

Madrid parks were packed on Sunday.

The city’s 19 open-air swimming pools were packed Sunday: all tickets sold out, with limited capacity due to health restrictions due to the coronavirus.

Authorities advised people to drink water regularly, wear light clothing and stay out of the sun for long periods of time.

According to meteorologists, temperatures could reach 44 degrees Celsius in the Guadalquivir Valley near Seville on Sunday.

Photo by Christina Quickler, France-Press Agency

A thermometer reads 44 C in Seville.

The highest temperature ever recorded in Spain was 49 C.

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