September 18, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Strive the next day in the parks of Montreal

Strive the next day in the parks of Montreal

The festive atmosphere of the first night without curfew led to despair in Montreal on Saturday morning as rubbish mounds scattered the floor and tables in many city parks.

Pizza boxes, leftover food, beer cases, wine bottles, masks and more: It seems that several festivals took place in the city at once on Friday evening, as Kevin told us that early in the morning there was a lot of garbage left by the Revelers.

“What is it. Seriously, it’s like Midsummer’s day. It’s already been dirty in the last few weeks, but it’s disgusting,” he said angrily.

He also denounced the lack of resources in his park alone, with hands full of garbage bags and employees responsible for cleaning municipal parks.

“We should have at least one or two. I refill my truck three times and it is only the front part of the park. That’s why I signed with City, ”he shouted before throwing bags in the back of the vehicle.

A few blocks away, in Jean Mans Park, Ève Ferreira-Agonier is bubbling in front of the stage, which she and her little girl performed during their morning walk.

“It’s a lot of young people demonstrating against climate change, but they’m not being able to collect their own garbage. It’s disgusting to me, it’s not necessary for us to do that, it started the district resident angrily.

Witness approved words for the passing scene.

“It simply came to our notice then. Celebrating is fun, but you should take it, ”she said as she continued on her way.

In La Fontaine Park, the place where Jean Lavigne usually gives movie-theater lessons is also desecrated.

However, she took the goods with a grain of salt, though she was sorry to see the place in such a state.

“I’m sorry it’s the worst this morning, because it’s so beautiful to see people gathering yesterday, it’s so good,” she said.

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