September 7, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

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Tea dances behind Kovid-19 rebound at the crease and mussels and chips evenings

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The cruise incidence rate continues to rise. This Wednesday, November 3, it is 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. About this Worst number in Nouvelle Aquitaine. The incidence rate in those over 65 also increases to 200. According to the Regional Health Agency (ARS), the situation is particularly linked Many groups It was developed at the time Tea dances, petank competitions or even mussels and fries evenings.

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Cruise people are very relaxed during festive gatherings

Last week, Kovid-19 was found to be positive in 117 cruisers. Of those, fifty (i.e. almost half) participated Tea dances, petank competitions, mussels and chips evenings Or a birthday meal at a restaurant, after that The clusters declared themselves.

Two-thirds of those infected Last week Over 65. For the Regional Health Agency, cruise people are slowing down a lot. The ARS reminds us that we must, in particular, keep barriers During indoor meetings.

Guret is a man in intensive care at a hospital

This rebound in the epidemic has one consequence: for the first time in months One person was in intensive care at Guret Hospital. His health condition is not alarming. The number of patients admitted to the hospital in the department is also increasing.

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To combat the virus, health officials are continuing Promote the vaccine against Kovid-19. ARS asks all those over 65 Get their third dose vaccine.

The mask is mandatory again in crease schools

Meanwhile, the Ministry of National Education on Wednesday evening announced the list of relevant 39 departments. Mandatory mask return to elementary school Monday, November 8, from the start of the academic year. Part of the La Creuse list.

Of course, All metropolitan departments have an incidence rate of more than 50 cases Every 100,000 residents have been worried for days.

Return the mask to the street?

The French Blue Cruise will be a guest on Thursday, November 4th, Prefect did not rule out further tightening of sanitary measures. “I can make masks mandatory where health passes are required, ban festive events as they do in the spring, or re-arrange masking outside.”, Details Virginie Darpheuille. Prefect will meet with elected officials on Monday cruise, gather their instructions and Makes decisions based on the evolution of epidemic statistics.

Insisted on being perfect Vaccine and barrier gestures are our two weapons To prevent coronavirus. “People over the age of 65 have been contaminated as a result of festive gatherings. The incidence rate of these elderly people on the cruise has quadrupled in a week. Among them, the vaccine protection has been reduced because they have their second dose. Booster dose should be given to those over the age of four. Do not kiss or shake hands and do not wear a mask. “

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