October 17, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The American AIDS Foundation raises awareness about the virus among Capoeis youth

The American AIDS Foundation raises awareness about the virus among Capoeis youth

The American Foundation for the Fight Against Aids (AHF) hosted an AIDS Awareness Day for the benefit of young people in Capitol last weekend. The event is held every year on December 1 to mark World AIDS Day.

Cap-Haitien, November 30, 2021.- Raise awareness of certain schools in the city on HIV / AIDS and natural threats; Display banners in the streets; Cross the city with a sound-truck to spread awareness messages on HIV / AIDS and natural threats; Spreading awareness messages with placards and distributing condoms, among other things, are the activities organized on the occasion of this Awareness Day against AIDS. Through this approach, the American Foundation for the Fight Against Aids (AHF) hopes to invite members of the population to act responsibly in the face of the dangers posed by this epidemic.

Even during the Kovid-19 epidemic, the AHF seizes this opportunity to remind everyone that we must not give up our fight for the eradication of HIV / AIDS in the world.
“The responsibility of protecting your health from this pandemic is in your hands. We stand firm and united to eradicate HIV, ”reads a press release from the Foundation.
World AIDS Day commemorations are being held this year on the theme of ending inequality, ending AIDS, ending the epidemic.

According to the American AHF Foundation, there are more than 100,000 people infected with the HIV / AIDS epidemic in the country.

Belly Info (VBI)

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