September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The Dawn of a Fundamentalist Era | The Journal of Quebec

The Dawn of a Fundamentalist Era |  The Journal of Montreal

The first conclusions reached by the congressional commission on the events of January 6 are not surprising. On the other hand, Donald Trump continues to receive around 43% support from American voters, which is roughly the same percentage as Joe Biden.

Vice President Kamala Harris received just 37% support. Other potential presidential candidates, both Republicans and Democrats, have less than 30%. As for Congress, it’s hard to see how Republicans won’t dominate the November elections. Barring extraordinary events, the United States is preparing to enter a fundamentalist Republican era. It is a disaster for the country and the world.

1) Did the Commission really find anything?

Trump’s coup attempt has been analyzed many times. The commission of January 6 only confirmed what all observers of American politics knew. Trump tried to stay in power by avoiding democratic institutions. This makes him a potential dictator. Unfortunately, Republican voters, and especially their extremist base, supported this coup. He alleged that there were official irregularities in the election. Informal demographic evolution puts rural white voters at a disadvantage, and they risk losing any chance of reaching power democratically other than through electoral manipulation.

2) What are the upcoming elections likely to bring?

The rise of American religious fundamentalists and their alliance with libertarian groups within the Republican Party was evident. Recent rulings by the American Supreme Court do nothing but respond to libertarian and puritanical religious fads. A minority of less than 40% of the population approved these decisions. With a Republican Congress and president, it is clear that this fundamentalist religious minority and these libertarians will be more powerful in the country.

3) With what consequences in the United States?

This religious fundamentalism and libertarianism opposes the majority of the American population, especially in large cities and coastal areas. They risk significantly weakening federal power. In turn, the states of the American Federation must lead to the adoption of laws in many areas, which increases the legislative and social differences between the states and which makes the pressure of local lobbies more effective. In short, the factors of disunity in the country will increase.

4) What to expect internationally?

No democratic country can claim the United States’ place internationally. The United States, through its military power, certainly plays a major role in this. But what is the relationship between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin? Will we see Donald and Vladimir shaking hands in the Kremlin, mate? Would a pure and libertarian American government undertake crusades against countries that have legalized abortion or liberalized social policies?

5) How will Canada be affected?

Canada has nothing to expect from the fundamentalist and libertarian excesses of the United States. Already, Conservative candidates, both provincial and federal, are trying to adapt the extremist ideology that has begun to dominate south of the border to local realities. They are powerfully aided by the awakened and multicultural illusions that are pushing more voters to join their camp. Between the two illusions, which is the lesser?

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