September 7, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The fight against disease and prejudice

The fight against disease and prejudice



Written article

C.Guyon, H.Pozzo, C.Beauvallet – France 2

Televisions in France

December 1 is International AIDS Day. The pandemic kills 700,000 people worldwide each year. Treatments are more effective. The HIV-positive person tells about their daily life and their stubborn biases.

Flavie Mummy Vitre has been living with HIV for 35 years. Thanks to the treatment, the virus is no longer detected in her body and she is no longer infected. “I take one treatment a day, no side effects, easy”, She explains. Normal life, or almost. One thing has not changed since his diagnosis: the eyes of others. “I was scared of others. I hugged the walls.” With the support of her family members but let go by her friends, she is forced to leave her theater school. She hid her condition and became deputy director of the recreation center, but in 1999, a colleague revealed her illness. “I have to quit my job because I’m going to hell. I don’t need to know that.”

She has to live on the margins of a society that rejects her, and discrimination is directly invited to her. After a year of work, Sandrine Gibert, Flavie’s housekeeper, was summoned by her management. “Flavie has AIDS, take care of yourself”, Reported Sandrin Gibert. Shocked, Flavie makes an appointment with the man behind the decision. “In his office, the guy told me ‘people like you need to know how to protect themselves from them’ ‘, Flavie recalled Mummy Vitre. “Can’t hear this sentence today”. At the age of 57, she decided to give a show. “It’s not HIV, but prejudice has prevented me from living.”, Ends fifty years. In France, about 200,000 people are believed to be living with the virus.

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