September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The health crisis reduced the number of organ transplants and transplants by 2020

The health crisis reduced the number of organ transplants and transplants by 2020

Since the 1976 law everyone has been concerned about organ donation, anyone who dies is considered an organ donor.

Registration is available online and can be done from the age of 13 unless the deceased has previously been registered in the National Rejection Register. Not really old enough to be an organ donor, explained Dr. Julian Rogier, who is in charge of coordinating organ and tissue culture at Bordeaux University Hospital, who was a guest on TV7 this morning.

If the person is not registered in the National Rejection Register but does not want to donate their organs, it is advisable to write it down and tell relatives about it.

Prior to the Kovid crisis, there were 6,300 transplants each year, mainly kidney transplants (4,000 per year). The Kovid crisis has had implications for elimination and conversion: -20 to 25% by 2020. There are no consolidated figures for 2021 yet, but estimates put the figure at lower than 2020.

Nouvel-Aquitaine suffered less damage than other regions during the first wave. The conversion action is great. In 2020, there were 160 kidney transplants, 70 liver transplants, 20 heart transplants and 20 lung transplants.

Organ donation during his lifetime is now possible but very legally regulated. Donors have to go to court if they want to. The process is natural.

Transplanted individuals benefit from easy-to-change monitoring over time. You should know that the success rate is 90%. People can return to normal life and return to work.

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