September 19, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The Montreal owner understood nothing: the court ordered him to stop his “judicial harassment”.

The Montreal owner understood nothing: the court ordered him to stop his "judicial harassment".

An owner already declared a controversial litigator has been charged with contempt of court after continuing to assault his former tenants in Montreal.

“Our greatest hope is that it stops. What we want is peace. We don't want more procedures, we want to go to court,” Jerome Aucoin insisted on the line.

He and his former roommates, Emmanuel Parent-Côté and Olivier Grondin, had hoped to end last year a long legal saga that had pitted them against Claude Dominique, their employer at the time, since 2017.

Claude Dominique, guilty of contempt of court.

Photo taken from Claude Dominique's Facebook account

The former roommates managed to get him to declare a conflict suit on March 6, 2023 through the Administrative Housing Tribunal (TAL).

However, Mr. Dominick could not see reason, as the Superior Court on September 11 found him guilty of contempt of court for filing four new requests to TAL without permission against the same roommates, which he was barred from.

“Judicial harassment is permanent”

Mr. Grondin, Mr. Aucoin and The parent-quote requested a reduction in rent in 2017 because their basement was declared unsanitary by the city, downsizing three bedrooms and thus three more residents from their accommodation in Plateau-Mont-Royal.

Claude Dominique brought legal action before the TAL, the Quebec Court and the Supreme Court for the eviction of his tenants. This behavior resulted in him being banned from speaking without the permission of the TAL president.

“We said he wasn't going to continue after that and obviously, he did,” laments Oliver Grondin.

Actually, Mr. Dominique violated the injunction within two months of its effective date by filing a rent-fixing request against the same tenants who “perpetuated” her “legal harassment,” Superior Court Judge Gabrielle Brochu ruled.

He intends to appeal

“It's a relief. I hope Claude understands that this will work, that it will allow us to turn the page and that at some point this will end,” Mr. Grondin said, adding that he wants a community service sentence. Mr. Dominick.

Considerations on punishment should also be held soon.

However, Mr. Dominick, since then Mr. Grondin and Parent-quote didn't want to stop there.

“I have nothing to say to you about this, [autre] I do not agree with this judgment and I am going to appeal it,” he said NewspaperImmediately before hanging up.

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