September 19, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

There is no regret in estrogenica vaccines

There is no regret in estrogenica vaccines

Despite the hardships of the estrogen vaccine currently discontinued in many provinces, some Canadians who received the first dose of this beloved vaccine are regretting it.

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Also read: First dose of the vaccine: Estrogen is no longer offered in Quebec

According to an investigation by the company Angus Reed, 48% of people who have been vaccinated with astrogen are “no regrets”, 44% preferred the vaccine from Pfizer or Modernna, but do not regret their decision in the end.

Thus it is that 8% of people suffer from their estrogen vaccine: 6% question their decision, and only 2% believe that they must accept and fully regret receiving this vaccine.

These figures are believed to have influenced the Astrogenica brand from behind and behind health officials regarding its use.

However, this is not the case: there is a world where there is a difference between those who have already received and those who have not yet been vaccinated.

In fact, of those who have not yet been identified, only 35% say they are ready to receive estrogen in May. This is a lower number than any other viral vector vaccine than the Johnson & Johnson vaccine (49%).

In contrast to messenger RNA vaccines, 93% said they were ready to receive Pfizer and 89% said it was modern. Therefore the difference between these two types of vaccines is very large.

Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Manitoba and Nova Scotia have limited their use of estrogen because of concerns about very rare cases of thrombosis, with an estimated risk of 1 in 100,000.

Following these decisions, due to the acceleration of deliveries from Pfizer and Moderna, the federal government is finding a way to ship the estimated millions of doses of estrogen to other countries in the next few years, Global News reported.

Canada expects record doses this week, with 3.4 million doses Pfizer and 1.1 million doses Modernna for a total of 4.5 million.

As Canada prepares to launch a new campaign to encourage people to be vaccinated against COVID-19, reluctance or rejection of the vaccine continues to fall at a significant rate.

According to company Angus Reed, the number of Canadians who say they do not want to be vaccinated rose from 16% in late September to 9% in mid-May.

Thus almost one-tenth of the population has always rejected the vaccine.

There is a similar dynamic work of those who want to be “eventually” vaccinated, but those who prefer to wait. This segment of the population fell from 38% to 6% between September and May.

Both of these types of respondents wanted to get the vaccine as soon as possible or had already received their first dose, now represented by 82% of respondents, who in September had only 39% opinion.

To encourage those who are most reluctant and to persuade others not to wait, Ottawa is launching a new advertising attack on television, radio, print, poster and online at a cost of $ 11 million.

As of Monday, more than 45% of Canadians had received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and less than 4% were fully immunized.

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