July 5, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Trump and the classified documents: Legitimate concerns

Trump and the classified documents: Legitimate concerns

Unless you live in a parallel universe dominated by misinformation or have lost complete faith in democratic institutions, there are only two options left on the hill of misdeeds Donald Trump is buried in.

For some — among them, most Republicans — we shouldn’t blame the former president. Proponents of this option believe that the nation’s survival is at stake. Let’s throw in the towel to prevent angry mobs from taking to the streets.

We strongly blame him

For others – and I am one – it is a distraction to tolerate that a narcissistic mafioso can give free rein to his less noble instincts while leading the country towards totalitarianism. If we forget what this evil man was able to do to his fellow citizens, we too can abandon thoughts of justice and security.

I will return to this once again as another damning revelation has come to light in the document seizure case at Mar-a-Lago. We already know that the president broke the law by bringing documents that should have been handled by the National Archives.

Not only was he advised not to do so before he left the White House, but according to former Trump attorney general William Barr, the next administration “didn’t do it.” (Jerk around“). Even when you believe you are 45e The president is supportive of the wall, whose main strategy is to drool more.

No top secret documents

What are his recent exploits? It was revealed on Friday that 48 files recovered by the federal agency were blank. Also, unlike the other files, they didn’t end up in Mar-a-Lago’s basement, but in a personal office at Trump’s residence.

Since then, there is no trace of these documents. What did we do with it? Your answer is as good as mine. If you have any imagination, the best and worst-case scenarios come together in your imagination.

Trump and his entourage are messy, very professional. If Americans are lucky, 45e The president or his relatives play with these documents before mixing them with others, without paying attention to the classification. That’s what I want.

If you’re more pessimistic (realistic?), you might imagine that these precious documents are still in circulation. Will they appear with the president’s relatives or will they surely lose in the hands of rivals from the United States? The country is not short of wealthy enemies who provide a nice storehouse for such information.

There is a consistency in Trump, a tendency that developed long before he entered the political arena. Every time we believe that he is wrong, not only are our fears justified, but the reality is worse than we imagined. This is the case again.

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