July 5, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Trump for vaccines, but against their responsibility

Trump for vaccines, but against their responsibility

Donald Trump on Wednesday declared his opposition to the Kovid-19 vaccine in any way, but ended abruptly by repeating his baseless allegations of “rigged” elections in a rare interview with American public radio, recommending vaccination.

“Vaccines, I recommend taking them, but I think it’s a personal choice,” the former Republican president told national radio NPR.

Donald Trump, a central figure in the American Right, has strongly criticized the idea of ​​a compulsory vaccine, which was backed by the administration of his Democratic successor, Joe Biden.

“(Vaccine) responsibilities are really bad for our country,” he assured over the phone, “it will severely punish our economy.”

When asked about the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump, who lost himself and his camp, repeated that it was a “rigged election” without proof.

Results confirmed by his own Republican allies, for example in the state of Arizona, were met by NPR’s journalist Steve Inneskipe, who faced electoral evidence against massive fraud, who responded: “The number of ballots does not mean anything! (Question) Who signed the ballots, where did the ballots come from?”

The billionaire felt it was “favorable” to talk about the 2020 election so that voters would be concerned about the midterm elections, the coming fall and the fraud that will occur in 2024. “If it is not to be repeated, the only way to solve it is to solve the 2020 presidential election rig.

Under pressure from the journalist, Donald Trump continued his criticism, but abruptly ended the interview by hanging on to him, saying, “Thank you so much Steve, thank you.”

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In a speech celebrating the first anniversary of the attack on the Capitol on Thursday, January 6, 2021, Democrat Joe Biden accused him of “attacking a defeated former president” and “trying to prevent a peaceful transfer of power”.

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