September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Vaccine | A clinic at Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve from May 29

Vaccine |  A clinic at Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve from May 29

Montreallers will be able to make a real pit stop behind the wheel of their car or on their bike at Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve by May 29. They may not be filling, but they do get a dose of the vaccine. This was announced by Health and Social Services Minister Christian Dubey on Wednesday.

Coralie Laplante

Future vaccinations can visit Île Notre-Dame on May 29 and 30 from 10 am to 4 pm for three consecutive weekends.

“Without the Formula 1 race this year, we have a race for the vaccine,” said Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante. Vaccination in the future could pit stop like racing cars to reach the Grand Prix garage.

Corridors are designed to accommodate two cars, or five bicycles at a time. There are also areas waiting to respect the 15-minute regulatory medical supervision after the injection.

“Some time ago, I used to cycle here regularly. I never thought I would come here to talk about the vaccine, ”said Christian Dubey.

The first two days of vaccination at this clinic are dedicated to cyclists, who can receive their injection with or without an appointment. 500 doses are offered to those who do not reserve their space through Click Santa.

It will be possible to make an appointment this Friday, May 21st. The last two weeks of vaccinations on the Gilles-Villeneuve circuit will be assigned to motorists who have made an appointment.

In total, approximately 1,000 doses per day are injected at the Ile Notre-Dame Clinic.

“It allows us to run a vaccination center with a festive feel. Vaccination is recovering from this great epidemic,” said Sonia Belanger, president and CEO of CIUSSS du Center-sud-de-l-de-Montreal. In addition, you need to know more about it.

The “beautiful summer” vision is in Montreal

“The majority of areas can quickly turn orange, but we must continue the work we are doing,” the health minister said, referring to the color change in Montreal. The change in color of the areas is conditional on the favorable health condition.

“We have a vision of a great summer. For this to work, you need to be vaccinated,” said Valerie Plante.

Sonia Belanger pointed out to the health staff that the summer season is “very different from last summer” and the hospital continues to decline. “Last year, staff were asked to reduce the duration of their vacation. This summer, there were no such restrictions,” said the CEO of CIUSSS du Center-sud-de-el-de-Montreal.

Christian Dubey says he believes 75% of Cubans aged 12 and over will reach their target by the end of August, having received two doses of the vaccine.

The Minister of Health said about vaccine deliveries. He said an announcement would be made on Thursday about vaccinating young people between the ages of 12 and 17.

In fact, nearly 400,000 emails or text messages with a QR code were sent to people who had already been vaccinated. Public health will unveil in the coming weeks how this tool will be used.

“The Quebeckers are very proud. We are in the process of moving into the modern age in our healthcare network, ”said Christian Dubey.

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