September 18, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Vaccines: Biden announces shipment of 20 million additional doses to third countries

Vaccines: Biden announces shipment of 20 million additional doses to third countries

Washington | U.S. President Joe Biden announced Monday that 20 million additional doses of COVID-19 vaccine will be shipped to third countries by the end of June.

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“Today, I announce that Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson will share their doses with the rest of the world,” he said in a speech from the White House. “The United States shares at least 20 million of these doses,” he added.

The announcement brings the total number of vaccine doses the White House has promised to 80 million.

“It’s five times more than any country has ever given,” said Joe Biden. “More than China and Russia,” he stressed, adding that the United States would not use these vaccine distributions to obtain anything from recipient countries.

When asked about the countries that would benefit from these vaccines, U.S. Executive Spokeswoman Jen Saki declined to comment on the allocation criteria “in the coming days.”

In late April, Washington pledged to provide 60 million doses of the estrogen vaccine to other countries, but the latter had not yet received the green light from American health officials and had not exported. Hence not started.

Looking at the situation in the United States, White House tenants have welcomed the remarkable growth recorded in recent weeks.

“The fight against this virus is not over (…), but every day the light at the end of the tunnel is bright,” he stressed.

“For the first time since the epidemic began, COVID cases are declining in all 50 states,” he said, adding that 60% of American adults have now received at least one injection.

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