September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Wearing a mask is back… a good idea?

Wearing a mask is back... a good idea?

Quebec ended the wearing of masks in all places several months ago, but a return to this protective tool may be a solution when the virus is so prevalent in the population, according to one expert.

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“It’s not a good strategy in my opinion to state that he won’t come back. We’ve been wearing it throughout the pandemic and it’s normal for people to get tired, but still, in some places and at some times of the year, wearing a mask should be strongly recommended, even imposed. Sciences at UQAM.

He believes that in shopping centers or big box stores, a mask is not necessary, but in small spaces where there is frequent contact, it can save lives.

“In some places, like public transport, this should be a place where we tighten the screw as the fall approaches,” Mr Barbeau said.

COVID conditions in Europe and the United States have often been predictable since the pandemic began.

According to this specialist, the drop observed in Europe will soon be observed here.

“In Europe, we are already at the bottom of the wave and here the expectations are in this direction. This is really very good news for the staff in the hospital environment. We should continue this descent in the coming weeks,” emphasized the professor.

Watch the full interview in the video above.

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