September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

What is the “lily disease” that concerns social networks?

What is the "lily disease" that concerns social networks?

The Essential

  • Lily said students from the metropolitan area have similar symptoms: sore throat, cough, loss of voice … and talk about “Lille disease” on social networks.
  • In the opinion of health experts, these are actually seasonal diseases such as angina, which reappear after the barrier signals have eased.

Sore throat, aphonia, fatigue, cough … For the past two weeks, all internet users living near Lille on Twitter and Tic Tac Toe have been complaining about similar symptoms, similar to angina or nasopharyngitis. Some have reportedly fallen ill after visiting nightclubs and bars in the northern capital or attending a LOSC Champions League match last Wednesday at the Pierre Mauroy Stadium.

Despite the fact that statistics show a decline in the epidemic throughout the metropolis, the only fear is that a new variant of the Kovid-19 will spread.

Fearing infection, many of these (young) patients underwent screening, which turned out to be negative. “The attending physician informed us that he had noticed an increase in flu-like symptoms in students in the Lille metropolitan area. After investigation, the suspicion of Kovid-19 was removed as we were on negative PCRs “, Explained a member of the Hauts-de-France Regional Health Agency (ARS) BFMTV.

No “lille disease” … but a common sore throat

Should we be afraid of the appearance of a new baptized disease on social networks by people related to “Lille disease”?

Health professionals want to reassure. In their opinion, there is no new pathology on the horizon … only the recurrence of seasonal disorders before the Kovid-19 epidemic, the barrier signals are not so respected. Asked by The tone of the letter, Dr. Sophie Privot, a general practitioner practicing at Old Lille, which is considered normal “Return of Common Seasonal Viruses”. And if most of the patients who describe these symptoms are young, they are the cause “Classes re-started, reunions begin, integration evenings, re-umption of associations”. “It’s really business as usual. Viruses are not bad this year.”, Says the doctor.

Dr. Audrey Lombart, who practices in Lille, agrees. “These are very frequent pathologies, especially when the weather changes. I have no bizarre angina and no abnormal activity.”, She states Northern Lightning.

“On the other hand, if you have a cough and sore throat, the reflex will actually need a PCR test.”, Dr. Lombard recalled.

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