September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

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Your Questions, Our Answers | Vaccine proof, Florida vaccine and second dose

Your Questions, Our Answers |  Vaccine proof, Florida vaccine and second dose

Do you have questions about COVID-19 and the vaccine? Every week, journalists from Tap Answer your questions directly.

Judith LachapelleJudith Lachapelle

Proof or vaccine passport, identification of vaccines outside “Florida” and Quebec, second dose of estrogen vaccine … Many of you have dedicated your questions to this topic in our mailbox. Here is a brief overview of this week’s common questions.

“Cured” vaccine proof of COVID-19

I have COVID-19. I received my first dose of the vaccine and was told I did not need a second dose. What is written on my vaccination passport?

Daniel Para

First, of course, people who are diagnosed positive for COVID-19 receive only one dose of the vaccine. The decision was made on a scientific basis (studies have shown that the first dose of this vaccine acts as a “booster” to an already infected immune system) and for strategic reasons (due to limited supply, the authorities should give as many people as possible before giving a second dose to people who are “cured” of COVID-19. Prefer to be vaccinated, for whom the benefit of overdose is minimal). However, there is no risk in taking a second dose unless side effects (fatigue, headache, fever, etc.) are often seen with these types of vaccines.

Many readers in the Om situationTo me Therefore, Pare is afraid to have an “incomplete” vaccine passport (if ever received). Quebec’s Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) plans to provide vaccines with “proof of vaccination” (in the form of a QR code), which is issued each time a dose is given. The difference between the “vaccine proof” and the “vaccine indications” provided in the vaccine register should be noted, prescribing the MSSS.

In other words, the evidence provided by the MSSS indicates that the carrier has received the vaccine dose.

What about the “vaccine passport” or “vaccination certificate” that is recognized abroad? Ottawa says it is working to develop such a document that is common to many states. The question of immunity acquired after COVID-19 infection must be considered because other countries (such as France) do not recommend those who are “cured” of COVID-19 to receive a second dose.

In March, the European Union submitted a draft document allowing its citizens to move freely in the EU. The European Commission has issued a document citing the QR code, which confirms that its holder has been vaccinated against COVID-19, passed a negative PCR test, or is immunocompromised as a result of his infection.

> Read the article “Why a single dose of the vaccine is enough”

Identify the “foreign” vaccine

Thousands of snowbirds in Florida have received their two COVID-19 vaccines. How do I register our vaccine in the United States with Quebec authorities?

Pauline Pepin

There are many readers in Quebec who want to identify vaccines obtained abroad … On this subject, the MSSS replied, “It is planned that people who have been vaccinated in the United States will receive their vaccines. If their “paper” proof of vaccination obtained in the United States is valid “. The ministry said this American paper proof should be “clearly” specifically “marked on the username” with the inscription “trade name of the vaccine”. “Vaccinated Quebecs in the United States, for example, account for 75% of the vaccinated population.” Very good. But when can these measures be taken? “Works are still in progress and the exact details will be known soon,” spokesman Robert Maranda said. So continue.

What about vaccines received outside the United States? As a general rule, if the vaccine is recognized by Quebec, and the proof of vaccination meets the validity criteria, it is also recognized by the MSSS. For those who have received an unapproved vaccine here (for example, the Chinese vaccine Synoform or the Russian Sputnik V), “citizens are invited to be vaccinated again”, the MSSS indicates.

> “What about the Florida vaccine?” Read the article. ”

The vaccine is conditional on a green light on mutual exchange

Can I get my second dose of mRNA vaccine after taking my first dose of estrogen in April?

Daniel Trung

Yes, it is possible, the ministry announced on Thursday. When it comes time to give a second dose of the vaccine to people who have received estrogen or covi shield this spring, it will be possible to choose their vaccine. If an individual chooses to switch from a viral vector vaccine (a technology used by estrogen) to an mRNA vaccine (such as Pfizer or Modernna), they will have to give “information consent”, the ministry warns: temporary side effects are very common when vaccines are interchangeable.

According to the first results of a British com-cove study published Thursday in the scientific journal The Lancet, Volunteers who received two different vaccines (30% more) suffered side effects in the second dose – fever, fatigue, and headache – than those who received two doses of the same vaccine. For example, half of the study participants reported experiencing headaches after their second dose of estrogen, while approximately 80% of those who received an estrogen-pfizer combination reported the same effects.

Full results of the study are expected in June.

> “After the estrogen dose, can I get another vaccine?” Read the article. ”

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