“I do not feel safe. Do you know how you feel when the President of the United States targets you? The President of the United States must represent every American, not one. But targeted me. Lady Ruby. ⁇
Because of Richard
Special contribution
Since the public hearings began, the January 6 commission has heard evidence that could help demonstrate the illegal or unconstitutional nature of the efforts of Donald Trump and his entourage to cancel the 2020 presidential election.
On Tuesday, during its fourth hearing, the commission did not abandon the policy, returning to pressure from former presidents and his allies on Republican officials in Arizona and Georgia to change the election results.
However, Donald Trump provided her voice to two poll workers in Fulton County, Georgia, who were personally abused.
Along with Rudolf Giuliani and other allies, the former president discovered a conspiracy theory and falsely accused Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shay Moss of making false threats and threatening their lives.
“I have lost my name and my reputation,” said Ruby Freeman, 70, in a statement submitted to the commission. “I lost my sense of security because it was a group of people starting with the number 45 [Donald Trump] And his friend Rudy Giuliani, who decided to victimize me for spreading his own lies about how he stole the presidential election. ⁇
His daughter, who testified in person, particularly recalled racist messages sent to her on Facebook. One of Donald Trump’s supporters wrote: “Rejoice that this is not 2020 and 1920.”
During his testimony, Shay Moss recalled his joy in helping African-Americans of some age up to 2020 exercise their right to vote.
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Des menaces devant chez lui
Trois responsables républicains ont également témoigné en personne. L’un d’eux, Rusty Bowers, président de la Chambre des représentants de l’Arizona, a qualifié de « troublantes, tout simplement troublantes », les menaces dont lui et sa famille ont fait l’objet après son refus de céder aux pressions de Donald Trump.
« Chez nous, jusqu’à récemment, c’était un nouveau rituel dans nos vies de s’inquiéter de ce qui va se passer le samedi », a-t-il raconté en évoquant les divers groupes qui venaient manifester devant son domicile pour l’accuser de pédophilie et de corruption, entre autres.
M. Bowers, qui a voté deux fois pour Donald Trump, a raconté que l’ancien président et M. Giuliani l’avaient pressé de tenir une audition parlementaire sur le scrutin présidentiel en Arizona et de remplacer les grands électeurs de Joe Biden par une liste favorable à Donald Trump.
Il s’est souvenu d’avoir demandé à M. Giuliani de lui fournir des preuves de fraude électorale en Arizona. L’ancien maire de New York a répondu, selon son témoignage : « Nous avons beaucoup de théories. Nous n’avons tout simplement pas de preuves. »
« Je ne voulais pas être utilisé comme un pion », a déclaré M. Bowers devant la commission du 6-Janvier.
Rusty Bowers
J’ai dit [à Donald Trump] “Listen, when I swear to uphold the Constitution, you are asking me to do anything against my oath.”
Rusty Bowers, Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives
Mr. An hour before the Bowers trial began, Donald Trump released a statement saying the Arizona legislature had told him the presidential election in Arizona was “rigging.” During his testimony, Mr. Bowers denied making any such remarks.
Votes “find”
Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his right – hand man Gabriel Sterling have also personally testified about pressure from Donald Trump and his allies to change the outcome of the presidential election in their state.
Referring to a telephone interview with Donald Trump on January 2, 2021, he said, “No votes have been cast.” Rafensperger said he was asked to find “11,780 votes” at the time. He needs to beat Joe Biden. In the state of Peach.
“We have a certified accurate calculation,” he added.
The commission heard testimony on January 6 regarding Arizona Republican spokesman Andy Biggs and Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson in the Trump camp’s efforts to manipulate the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
The commission’s next hearing on Thursday will focus on Donald Trump’s pressure to “corrupt” the US Justice Department.