October 18, 2024

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Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada confirm election results: NPR

Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada confirm election results: NPR

Sterling, Wah. President Trump runs a golf cart on Sunday at the Trump National Golf Club in.

Tasos Katopodis / Getty Images

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Tasos Katopodis / Getty Images

Sterling, Wah. President Trump runs a golf cart on Sunday at the Trump National Golf Club in.

Tasos Katopodis / Getty Images

Many Republicans in Congress were reluctant to suggest that President Trump accept the presidential election to Democrat Joe Biden. They argue that it would be better for Trump to let his legal options expense before they take on more pressure.

That pressure is mounting and is likely to fall this week, with key states confirming the vote count and making their results official.

Michigan and Pennsylvania will do so on Monday, while Nevada will do on Tuesday. Verification is due next week for Arizona and Wisconsin.

Biden is leading with more than 155,000 votes Michigan, More than 81,000 Pennsylvania And more than 33,000 Nevada.

Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Pat Tom called on Trump to accept the outcome.

“President Trump has run out of all legal options to challenge the outcome of the presidential race in Pennsylvania,” Tommy said. Said In a statement responding to Trump campaign damage in Pennsylvania federal court on Saturday.

Retired Senator Biden called the person who elected him president and said he was disappointed with the outcome, but said it was time to move on, so he could preserve what he sees as a legacy of Trump’s successes.

“To ensure that he is remembered for these outstanding achievements and to help unite our country, President Trump must accept the election results and facilitate the presidential transition process,” Tommy wrote.

Republican Chris Christie, who is close to Trump, was further reprimanded on Sunday for making a name for himself as the former governor of New Jersey.

“If you find evidence of fraud, submit it” Christie Said On ABC. “Clearly, the conduct of the President’s legal team is nationally embarrassing.”

With Biden winning 306 election votes, he has expanded his margins in key states since election day (he now has a lead of more than 6 million in the nationally popular vote), and Trump lost court case after court case, with Tommy, Christie and some other prominent Republicans manipulating Trump election results And Biden called for an end to efforts to work with the transformation team.

Certifications certified in these three key states will rise louder this week, but will block the way for Trump to get the electoral votes needed to retain the presidency.

The latest in each state is here:


The campaign came after a judge ruled that Trump’s legal team had not shown “real evidence of rampant corruption” and dismissed Trump’s campaign to block the certification. Attractive.

Trump dismissed the case and argued in his opinion – Rudy Giuliani Fought When I appeared in court for the first time in decades – Republican Party Judge Matthew Braun wrote:

“In the United States of America, this does not justify denying a single voter right. Separate all voters in its sixth most populous state. Our people, laws and institutions are increasingly demanding.”

Individual counties must certify their results to the Secretary of State by Monday, and then she will make her own certification.


WKAR’s Abigail Sensky reports: Two Democrats and two Republicans will meet Monday at the Michigan Board of State Canvassers to confirm the results of the Michigan election. Unofficial results from a total of 83 counties have already been confirmed at the county level.

Despite Republicans’ constant alarm bells about election fraud, there are lawsuits Thrown Or Withdrawn, And state and local election officials, a Friday report From the State Bureau of Elections, prove that the Michigan election is safe.

The president is pressuring state legislators to try and verify the results or to establish voters loyal to Trump. President on Thursday Called Senior Republicans in the Michigan State Legislature to the White House.

But those lawmakers, Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield, said after the meeting that there appeared to be no reason for a result that did not match the vote – with Biden winning.

“We do not yet know any information that will change the outcome of the Michigan election,” they said in a joint statement.


An attempt to stop Nevada certification brought in by failed Republican Senate candidate Sharon Angle was thrown out Friday.

Angle’s group, the Election Integrity Project, said about 1,400 votes were cast for people who went to California and registered to vote, and about 8,000 ballots were mailed to people who did not vote in a decade, which is against Nevada law.

Biden won the state by a margin of 33,000 votes.

“Civil Remedy for Throwing Elections Just Asking Shocking,” District Court Judge Gloria Sterman Said Advocate of the group. “You’re asking me to throw 1.4 million votes not to vote between 250 and 8,000 people.”

What’s next?

The following week, two other key states confirmed their results: Arizona on November 30 and Wisconsin on December 1. Biden narrowly won both states.

The Trump campaign has called for a recount in the two heavily Democratic-leaning counties that topped Biden in Wisconsin. But state election officials have complained that Trump campaign observers are actually preventing the recount from happening, “in some cases, by objecting to every ballot tabulator pulled to count.” Associated Press Reports.

States are set to finalize their voter turnout on December 8, after which voters will cast their ballots in state capitals. Votes will be received by Vice President Pence on December 14, and then Congress will raise them on January 6 before Biden opens. January 20.

The Trump campaign may try to pull this off for as long as possible, filing useless challenges and appeals in many cases. But this week the pressure will only be on those around him to give Trump a chance or persuade him to give up what seems like a more futile fight as the days go by.

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