October 17, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

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Texas family makes Kovid-19 PSA about large family gatherings after 15 members were infected with the virus

Texas family makes Kovid-19 PSA about large family gatherings after 15 members were infected with the virus

It is a tradition that most families gather during Thanksgiving and throughout the holiday. With the global pandemic of the coronavirus, those meetings will not turn the Thanksgiving dinner into a super spreader event.

The Aragonese family is now living with the consequences of a large family gathering on November 1; Fifteen members of the Arlington family from Arlington, Texas, tested positive for coronavirus.

Of the 12 people tested positive for Kovid-19, Alexa Aragonez said – four lived in the house and eight were visiting. She said the family members infected three others and brought the total to 15.

As an employee of the City of Arlington’s Department of Communications and Legislative Affairs, Aragonez said she saw the opportunity to make the family’s expansion a teaching moment.

“We know we’re confused because we frustrated our guard,” she said of her family. “We’re not like most families.”

Aragonese says they are now comfortable and have finished paying the price.

Although she says her family took great care elsewhere, at a large family meeting, they stayed indoors and did not wear masks. Health officials said Kovid-19 is more likely to spread indoors than outdoors, recommending that people wear masks inside when they are around people who do not live in their home.

At first, there was doubt over the idea of ​​family Make a PSA, Said Aragonese, but after convincing some, the family understood what it could do.

“It’s in English and Spanish,” she told CNN. “We need to make sure we communicate in multiple ways, capturing the heartbeats of both.”

Her mother, Enrique, was involved in PSA and when she was hospitalized with pneumonia, her lungs developed across the lungs.

“We are doing well,” Alexa Aragonez told CNN. “My family is slowly healing but hopefully sure.”

Enriqueta is away from the hospital, but still has Kovid symptoms and is being isolated from the rest of the family, her daughter said.

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